CH Carays Blu Cinder Rock N Roll
AKC DN11703702
DOB: 08/14/2005
DOD 2017
Bilateral hearing, PRCD — A (clear)
OFA Hips Good
Weeping Willow Rocky Blue X Raisley’s Paisley
Cinder is the most outgoing, happy go lucky Cattle Dog you will ever meet. She always has a smile and a sloppy
kiss for everyone she meets (whether you want a kiss or not). Cinder thinks she’s the center of the universe
and acts the part in the show ring. In the ring, it’s like she’s saying –look at me, I’m special, I’m Cinder. Cinder
finished her championship title with four major wins and a special thanks to Lori Pruett of DuWest Kennels for
putting the final win on Cinder.
Cinder loves to go to the farm and skinny dip in the pond. She also has a knack for playing ball. Her idea of the
game is retrieve the ball, run back and as you reach for the ball, run off laughing with the ball still in her grasp.
This is her idea of the reverse tease.