AKC DL811684/04
DOB: 11/07/1999
DOD 04/15/2013
PRCD — A (clear)
Whitsundy Rowdy Redneck X Buzzards Kai Ann
Paisley was very affectionate – she loved everyone. Paisley came from a long line of Champions. Her maternal great
grandfather was world famous CH Buzzards Red Tubs HX sire of 85 conformation Champions (world record) and
another maternal great grandfather was CH Rokeglen Blue Phantom (Mr T) sire of 48 conformation Champions.
Paisley was the mother of our girls –Cookie, Candy and Cinder.
Paisley loved to ride on the UTV and in the truck. But her greatest passion was herding. She was the first one there
when it was “round-up” time.