CH Kiowa Sonny Rae
AKC DL798595/01
DOB: 06/26/1999
DOD 05/28/2013
PRCD – B (carrier)
OFA hips good/ elbows normal
CH Far Fetched Hill St Blus CDX PT VQW X CH Sunfarms Mirage
Sonny was the calmest, most easy going cattle dog you would ever meet. One look at him and you were
charmed by his good nature. He passed this personality on to his puppies. But when there was work to
be done, he was ready to help herd or just hang out. He came from a long line of Champions on both
sides in conformation, herding and CDX. Sonny’s father “Bosco” was the sire of 10 Champions.
Sonny didn’t really start in the conformation ring until he was almost 9 years old. Who says you can’t
teach an ol’ dog new tricks. Thanks to Lori Pruett of DuWest Kennels for training Sonny for the show
ring and handling him to his AKC championship title.